This time, an unexpected offering from some friends back in the states revealed ...
Route 11 Chesapeake Crab Chips!

I love these things. I guess I shared ... I don't recall. Let's just say that for a brief moment I flashed back to my introduction to the (future) in-laws. I had grown up on the York River, and knew (thank you Mom and Dad) how to pick crabs. Actually, all seafood was a “known” factor in my life and as you will read this was a good thing. ... I arrived in Urbanna (on the Rappahannock River) for the first time, having not yet met anyone else in Madge’s family. She deposited me on the back porch with a “Paul, here’s my brother and my cousins, ya'll get aquainted ...” I can’t recall the exact words, but I knew I was ‘on my own’ ... and I underwent the “can he pick crabs?” inquisition. Obviously, I passed, but the taste of Old Bay is a perpetual reminder of that day.
so thank you, oh sender of Route 11 goodness! you made my day.
now, with Thanksgiving on the way, I just have to find someplace where I can get some fresh oysters ... hmmmmm
oh ... ps.,
we've added a guestbook feature. actually, it’s more of a guestMap. so locate it at the top of the left nav, find yourself, and drop us a line.
SO glad you liked the chips! They're a great favorite of the Whites!
I like packages too~well, any kind of mail! LOL~I enjoyed hearing about your "Route 11 goodness"~LOL! (((((HUGS))))) sandi
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