a) understand something very well
b) want something done just so
c) are describing something that is exact
The word is “genau”. (gûh-now)
Here are some examples of “genau” used in conversation ...
Q: Der deutsche Kurs findet in Freiburg statt? A: Genau.
(The German class is in Freiburg? Exactly so.)
S: Ich wünsche diese Tabelle, die genau so gemalt wird.
(I want the table painted exactly this way)
S: Die Wand ist genau 2,5 Meter hoch.
(The wall is exactly 2.5 meters tall.)
And if you ever want to make sure that someone understands you, you ask “alles klar?” (is everything clear?) and the answer (if it is clear) is “genau”.
Ich trage die linke Socke auf dem linken Fuß. Genau.
( I wear the left sock on the left foot. Exactly so.)
and if I ever forget? I have my “genau” socks to help me.

Alles klar? Genau.
Reminds me of Gary Gnu from the great space coaster.
"No Gnews is Good Gnews with Gary Gnu"
Sie tragen die rechte Socke auf dem rechten Fuß, oder? Genau.
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