Now before you get your shorts in a wad over “you went to PARIS???!!??” please remember that it is part of Paul’s job to see what is happening in our neck of the woods (the greater Western Europe community), take photos and video, and record what we see - media-wise. Yes, working as a media specialist for an international company does have it’s benes.
So while the kids had a Fall break (Herbstferien - Herbst is ‘Fall’, ferien is ‘vacation’), we took the opportunity to go visit some friends in Paris. Our trip was tres bon, as we passed many lovely old chateaus on the way - below is a quick pic of the Chateau Chateauneuf, north of Beaune. We did not stop by on this trip, but it looks like it would be worth the visit ...

Arriving in Massy, on the outskirts of Paris, we visited with friends, then decided to go into the city for dinner. Our train ride brought us to the Notre Dame station, and upon exiting the Metro we we greeted with the following view ...

Dinner was very French, except that we had dinner around 5:30 or 6:00 ... the locals started coming in around 7 or 8. Wils and I had galettes, his with sausage and mine with sausage, mushrooms, garlic and a whole ton of cheese melted on top. Madge ordered the fish - deLISH! Stryker-Ann and Vaden opted for the cheese fondue, and as you can see, it was tasty and fun! ...

The next day, after a breakfast of croissants and pain au chocolat, we took in the more touristy places of Paris (the ones that everyone has to see) ...

Of course - we were glad to get back to the cats ...

Glad to have you.
We had a GREAT time
Nice to see all the great pictures - thanks for coming back to bloglandia!
Hello VosFam! exciting! I was in Europe in 2001 and I went to Paris three different times - there is so much to do and see! Well, it is good to hear that you all are doing well. Tell everyone I said hello, especially my buddy Wils! By the way, Stryker-Ann always is wearing the coolest hats. Que padre!
Dios les bendiga!
Such GORGEOUS pics! I'm sooo glad you shared, so I can live vicariously through you! (((((HUGS))))) sandi
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