Monday, June 29, 2009

Never underestimate: Bonjour!

Never underestimate the value of a simple "hell-o" or in my case a "bonjour".

I was riding my bike from home into the kids' school today to serve as a substitute for a sport class; riding along and really enjoying the fact that I am using my bike as transportation and not just an exercise machine; and also noticing the fact that there are two types of cyclist on the paths: one is dressed in their spandex and whishing along and the other are dressed in their normal everyday clothes coming home or going to the market. While I was pondering this observation an older gentleman riding toward me said " Bonjour, Madame" . Well, it was such a quick exchange as we are riding in opposite directions, that you hardly have time to catch it, but the effect was grand, it just melted my heart and put a big smile on my face.

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