Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hottest day of the Year, so Far

So what does one do the first hot day of the summer and it being the first real day of spring vacation? Beat the 91 degree heat by hopping in the pool.

We went to visit a new pool for us, in Steinen and found it smaller in a good way. We had heard that the pool we normally visit in Lörrach had a line out the gate to get in, so we made the right decision.

I really like the idea of the grass and trees around the pool. AND they do not have a problem with grass in the pool. You must step through a large foot bath (it is between the shrubbery wall)

The pool is surrounded by shrubbery to seperated the grass area from the pol and to act as a fence.

This pool has been divided into a non-swimmer half and a deeper lane swimming part. You can see the red wall that people are sitting on or children are jumping off of. This is the first time I ave seen this and it seems like a great idea.

Our bathing beauties!


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