Sunday, April 23, 2006

Going 'home'

Took a trip up to see the relatives. North Germany is flat, aside from the dikes, and very windy. More pics to come, but this is just a sampling...

Germany meets Ireland - sightreading by watching fingers on the accordian

The family at the town limits.

Running up the dike.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Pics for Easter

Schnecke (snails) made from modeling clay: (remember to click the pic to enlarge)

... flowers from the garden (the white daffodils remind us of VA, the vase - originally from Germany - has returned home):

... and Art for the season (lest we forget):

A Poem for Easter

Zur Osterzeit

Die ganze Welt, Herr Jesus Christ,
zur Osterzeit jetzt frölich ist.

Jetzt Grünet, was nur grünen kann,
die Bäum' zu blühen fangen an.

So singen jetzt the Vögel all.
Jetzt singt und klingt die Nachtigall.

Der Sonnenshein jetzt kommt herein
und gibt der Welt ein' neuen Schein.

Die ganze Welt, Herr Jesus Christ,
zur Osterzeit jetzt frölich ist.

Friedrich von Spee (1592 - 1635)

A literal translation does not have the grace of the language, but the meaning is clear, regardless of tongue:

The whole world, dear Jesus Christ, at Eastertime is made glad. What would be green is made green, the trees rise to flower again. All the birds sing. So sings and rings the nightengale. The sun comes back and gives the world a glow. The whole world, Dear Jesus Christ, at Eastertime is made glad.

The poetry above was on the front page of our local (community) newspaper.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

April Fools!

Hey everybody! Remember when the signs of Spring were so prevalent (flowers, yard work, frog signs)??


It is snowing today. No, not a little 'dusting' but big fat happy flakes coming down and laying it on thick!

But I'm looking forward to the weekend. It's supposed to reach 70°F on Sunday...

The following pics should tell a bit of the story...

Front yard, as I type this the road is now covered...

Our dafodils are NOT happy with this change in events!

Apple trees have buds on them...or did!

Backyard is getting covered...again....

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Cooking with Babelfish

Since I have not mastered the German language, as of yet, I have need of a handy electronic translator to help me read directions whilst I cook, lest the porridge get burnt, thus the help of BabelFish. In the kitchen this evening. whipping up a German version of mac&cheese, I came across an instruction I could not figure out. I have to share this translation with you as it made me laugh and cry at the same time. Laugh because I did not think it would take so many words to say a simple instruction (in English) and cry because I could not believe it would take so many words to convey an instruction (which in English is quite simple). I also "cry" for tomorrow I start language school, auf Deustch, and will be in the midst of "too many words" to say something here it is: "Fügen Sie nach Belieben ein Stückchen Butter hinzu." It translates to: "Add a bit of butter"
PTL for electronic translators or our mac and cheese would not have tasted as yummy as it did.
This Monday I do start language school. Please keep Paul in your thoughts and prayers as he is "Mr. Mom" for the next 8 weeks or so and that he will be able to read the back of mac &cheese packages correctly and not burn the frozen pizzas or forget to pick up one of the kids. LOL