Last year, the harvest from our garden was in the area of “not very much”. The cherry trees did not produce as in the previous year, the Johannesbeeren (red currants) were only enough for some small jars of jam, and raspberries were barely there. So we cut back some, pruned here and there, watched the weather and learned from our neighbours ... we have a few more red currants this year ...

Sorry, I could not frame this very well to get everything in ... and there are a couple of containers that would not fit on the table ...

MMMMM, raspberries. Not tons, but enough to pick and enjoy with our breakfast ... and we only have a couple of vines.
Close ups of currants ...

These are “white” currants, very sweet and like little pearls on the vine. We have enough this year to set them aside separately in their own jelly.

The red currants. Big, tart, and tasty. Enough this year for a lot of juice (Saft) or to make jelly.
I’m waiting for the black currants to come in a little more before I collect my earnings there.
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