We experienced torrential rains and a flooding in the basement ...
high water in and out

(did I mention that when your cellar floods in Germany, the Feuerwehr - firemen - come to pump it out?)
We took a trip to Basque Country in Spain by car (seeing more of France on one trip than is humanly possible to take in)
yes, that is a nice beach - but it was raining almost the whole time!
the Basque are not Spanish, and they are not French, in case you needed reminding ...
Immediately after the Spain trip, a two day turnaround and a trip to Belgium for a meeting
(no pics, did I not say it was a meeting???)
A short break (one week) and then BACK TO SCHOOL!
yes, it is dark, this is not the evening before, it is the morning of
Wils and his Schultute get to go at a more decent hour
oh, and we got a dog ... ('cause pets lower your blood pressure, and the cats were not quite lowering it enough)
Hi, I'm Peter, aka Pete! (or Pedro, or Hans-Peder, or 'puppy' or NO NOT THERE!, he seems to answer to all those with the same happy look and wag)
Can I lick your face????
Did Summer ever fly by so fast for anyone else??
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