School is out here in Baden Württemberg. The kids have not been exactly without anything to do, however ...
Sommerlager 2007
Rümmingen, our fair city, (sorry, not city, Dorf, village - not a city) has had it's yearly summer camp for the local kids. The two younger kids really enjoyed the games and activities, our oldest was enlisted as "camp help" with the babies and Madge worked as official photographer for the event (as well as coordinating some of the activities and outings). Last year, we did a presentation of the pictures as a slide show during the buffet supper. This year, the request was made to have photo CDs available from last year as well as this year - so Paul was pretty busy working into the evenings on editing the daily shoots into a presentation for the last evening.
The theme for this year's camp was "the elements" (Earth, Fire, Water, Air - or Erde, Feuer, Wasser und Luft). Here's just a taste ...

Building the "pool" for the Wasser theme (a bunch of hay bales and a heavy rubber sheet).
Madge and Wils sculpting in clay for Erdetag
Fish windsocks (craft from Lufttag)
Vaden doing "baby duty"
As always - click the above photos for a larger view.
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