Monday, July 24, 2006

The Song of the Poppy Fairy

As a family back in the States, we so enjoyed from books the art of Cicely Mary Barker. Now we have a chance to actually see some of the flowers of which she wrote her poetry and drew about. Enjoy this poem by her from Flower Fairies of the Summer, the photos by Madge.


The green wheat's a-growing,
The lark sings on high;
In scarlet silk a-glowing,
Here stand I.

The wheat's turning yellow,
Ripening for sheaves;
I hear the little fellow
Who scares the bird-thieves.

Now the harvest's ended,
The wheat-field is bare;
But still, red and splendid,
I am there.

(please click on pics to enlarge)


Arnold Austin Jr said...

So who is it that steals the birds again.

Those pesky bird thieves!

Madge said...

Hey Arnold...we live in the Black Forest...there are lots of little fellows, you know the dwarfs, gnomes, running around here.....ha,ha
If you are not sure what a Black Forest gnome looks like, check back.....we will have a gnome sighting pictured for you!

Ben & Christine Haley said...

i like the picture at the top of your blog, of the forest. where was that taken, by the way? take care and God bless.

Ben & Christine Haley said...

by the way...forgot to write this earlier...but paul, what is that growth on your chin? adios...

foxpaw said...


The pic at the top of the page is a view between the towns of Liel and Riedlingen. It was particularly neat in Winter (see pic) and so we decided to adopt it as a seasonal header for the blog. When the seasons change, so will the header pic (although it will always be the same location).

As for the "growth", it is so I won't get mistaken for a Jehovah's Witness ;-)