Sunday, April 02, 2006

Cooking with Babelfish

Since I have not mastered the German language, as of yet, I have need of a handy electronic translator to help me read directions whilst I cook, lest the porridge get burnt, thus the help of BabelFish. In the kitchen this evening. whipping up a German version of mac&cheese, I came across an instruction I could not figure out. I have to share this translation with you as it made me laugh and cry at the same time. Laugh because I did not think it would take so many words to say a simple instruction (in English) and cry because I could not believe it would take so many words to convey an instruction (which in English is quite simple). I also "cry" for tomorrow I start language school, auf Deustch, and will be in the midst of "too many words" to say something here it is: "Fügen Sie nach Belieben ein Stückchen Butter hinzu." It translates to: "Add a bit of butter"
PTL for electronic translators or our mac and cheese would not have tasted as yummy as it did.
This Monday I do start language school. Please keep Paul in your thoughts and prayers as he is "Mr. Mom" for the next 8 weeks or so and that he will be able to read the back of mac &cheese packages correctly and not burn the frozen pizzas or forget to pick up one of the kids. LOL


Arnold Austin Jr said...

Be very careful with Babelfish.

A recent prayer I had it translate for my class:

Send your holy spirit to comfort us

Hit English to Spanish and see why I say be careful.

Anonymous said...

ah yes...but that is the Spanish. The same phrase translated into German (on Babelfish) reads:

(drum roll please)

"Send your Holy Spirit to comfort us"

(Das sagt, daß "es alchocol frei ist")

You must have the fish in the wrong ear...
