Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursdays with camera, Oktober 23, 2008

Yep, third Thursday in a row it has rained. The day before was beautiful, the day after sunny with partial clouds blowing through. Ah well, so we go inside:

We girls are taking riding lessons at the stable here in Rümmingen. My girls for the first time; me not for the first time, but my legs think so. It is a scene from the familiar approaching middle age life: My mind is willing, but my body says: what are you doing?!

I must say however that all of the knowledge and time in the saddle are coming right back. Now, my nerve to do some of the same things while astride a horse, four feet plus in the air, well, maybe not~~~but you never know, once I get my legs back.

So enjoy the girls while they groom down Nadine after their third lesson.

1 comment:

Apape Jer.... said...

hi...lovely horse riding lesson.I wish its cheaper in malaysia/