Bärlauch is a garlicky leek tasting plant that is a sure sign of spring in Germany. In the States it is called by the name of Ramps or wild leeks.
When gathering from the wild here in Germany it is better to pick before the Lily of the Valleys spring up as the leaves look about the same. The Lily is poisonous and the other is not; although one must also pick the Bärlauch before its flowers start to bloom as they become poisonous then also. So your window to enjoy this great spring delicacy is not long. and you need to know what you are doing or buy it in the store.
A couple of Fridays ago we were by a friends home and they happened to have a patch of Bärlauch and she cut a large bunch. I happily went home and created the following new favorite of mine Bärlauch Pesto.
50g Bärlauch (Ramps), 20g Pine nuts, 50-100ml cold pressed Olive oil, 50g grated Parmesan cheese. For nuts I did not use pine nuts but ssubstituted and combined nuts to get my 50g with Walnuts, Hazelnuts and/or almonds. Walnuts straight are my favorite taste.
Very simple to make: gather ingredients,
gind up nuts and cheese with a stickmixer,
drizzle in some of the Olive Oil,
start to add the Bärlauchs/Ramps
add more of the Olive oil as needed to keep it moist,
finish mixing to your desired texture, smooth or more smooth,
serve over pasta, season with pepper and salt and enjoy!
Since I had more than 50grams of Bärlauch/Ramps, I made a large batch and froze most to have for later after the plants are out of season.
I also use the same recipe with Rucola (Arugula) to make a pesto as a change from the normal Basil.
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