Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sylvester is almost here

Sylvester is not the person - it is the event. New Years eve in Germany means the two things near and dear to every boy's heart ... staying up late and fireworks!

Even the dog is looking forward to it!

More pics to come ...

Gifts, Goose and Guests on Christmas

Good things come in itty-bitty packages, if you can only unwrap the tissue.

Dog treats anyone?

DVD's are always a hit.

Paris is her favorite city!

..and she will be on the runway in Paris!

our goose begins.....

... 3 hours later is cooked..and was yummy!

..and our lovely guests!

Colmar Xmas at -13 C !

A quick sweep up of the walkway before we head out to the Market.


We arrive...and it is cold... the bank temperature sign read -13 C. We stayed long enough to get some warm crepes , a few mementos and some shots of the market...enjoy the scenery:

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

our Highlander!

During the Christmas week, some friends of our hired a hall and invited all who would to come out for a few Scottish dances and turns around the floor. We were not going to miss this chance to enjoy a few steps and called dances. It is just what we do! and what a great reminder of how much we love to do this and just how much we had missed being able to dance together!

Here is Wils the day after the gathering. One of the dancers came in his kilt, so Wils was inspired to don his. But woe to the person who calls him a girl, I tell ye!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

3rd Advent, end of the day

Our Sunday is nearing it's end as Paul is playing his flute and whistle at a local German Baptist Church. It is the first of a new evening service delivered all in English, called "The Second Sunday". Paul played his two carols beautifully and after the service there were Christmas cookies to share.

Had the chance to be greeted by one of the "Omas" or "Tantes" of the church. These kind of greetings can be short and sweet with the kindly double peck on the cheek and all is over or they can be pleasantly intense. This lady is one of those that wraps you up in her eyes with warmth and love and looks right into you and knows you and she also lets you know, she knows. It warmed me through to speak so breifly with her, it was as if I had known her for years and we had just come back from a long trip. What a beautiful soul.

Very nice ending to a very full day.


3rd Advent, late afternoon tree hunting and gathering

"We MUST HAVE A TREE, or it will be too late!"

So off we go to the Kreiterhof to find our tree.

It has been so wet, that instead of having tree seekers tramping up through the fields and woods, the "Bauer" must have decided to cut them all and have them here for us to pick out. Works for me after last year's muddy slipping and sliding. So Paul is searching knee deep for the perfect tree.

And one is found!

Bagged and delivered by our trusty tree lifters!


3rd Advent, Sunday School

We did make it to Sunday school and church service this Third Advent! The girls and I worked in the Children's Worship and small group. Vaden led the singing and even taught them a new song! SAM was with the younger kids. And I got the boy group!

Below are some Creches the children's group have made. Here in Germany we use lots of nature (ie. moss, bark, twigs) in all of our crafts. The examples are very typical.

3rd Advent, handball

The Sunday morning (early) of this third Advent found us at a Team Handball game. Our guy here taking a practice shot on the goalie during warm ups.

It does go in!

running up the court, again...

playing some tough "D", with a final winning score of 11 to 4! Yeah Team!


3rd Advent, Class party

Four o'clock found us beginning to enjoy a classic "Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus" play. The third klasse preformed with song, script, and superb acting the wonderful story. Our talented actor was an inn keeper and the one who finally found room in his stable for the Holy family to find rest. After, we all enjoyed each other's shared Christmas treats.


3rd Advent, morning at Christmas Market

Our third Advent weekend began with Paul dropping SAM off at her class Obernachtung (overnight) then off to help the Rümmingen Kinder Kulture Klub (KKK), kids' club, set up a tent for the Weihnacht Markt (Christmas Market) at the Bruchrainhof. Every year we have a craft tent for the shoppers' children to hang out and make fun Xmas items. This year there was something new and different for the Germans to experience...stringing popcorn. During my Saturday shift I had the chance to teach a couple of girls this new thing. The stringing seemed to be going well when I left. Another craft they offered was dipping or rolling of beeswax candles...quite a favorite of folks over here.

And of course we had a visit from St. Nikolaus.

Our tent...warm but rather smokey!

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Bald kommt der Nikolaus, December 6, 2009

Wils and our neighbor friend got a visit today from the Man in the red dress, Saint Nikolaus and his buddy the Krampus or Schwartz Peter.

Bald kommt der Nikolaus

Im Winter, wenn es stürmt und schneit

und's Weihnachtsfest ist nicht mehr weit,

da kommt weit her aus dunklem Tann,

der liebe, gute Weihnachtsmann.

In seinem Sack sind gute sachen,

die braven Kindern Freude machen.

Doch auch die Rute ist zur Hand

für Kinder, die als bös bekannt.

Das mag wohl früher so gewesen sein,

heut gibt's nur brave Kinderlein.

Die sagen schnell ihr Sprüchlein auf,

Knecht Ruprecht macht den Sack dann auf.

Und Äpfel, Nüsse, Pfefferkuchen,

darf gleich das liebe Kind versuchen.

Knecht Ruprecht aber fährt geschwind

davon zum nächsten art'gen Kind.

(unbekannter Dichter)

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

all covered

While standing in line at Penny Mart last evening, with my bread, milk and eggs, I noticed a young woman in front of me with her three items: White twinkle lights (only white in Germany), red stump Advent candles (ascending in height), and an Indian style statue of the Buddha (only for deco, right?) . Is this an incongruousness or normal living? It struck me as a girl searching for answers on three different paths: one of material goods, one of Jesus and one of Buddha. Which one will she choose? I know for which one I'm praying.
As she was finishing her checkout she glanced up and smiled at me. Did she know what I was thinking, had she heard the conversation going on in my head? I may never know, but I know that she is covered.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Happy First of Advent!

Christmas started here this weekend with our Rümmingen community craft day! Over 70 kids participated in the making of presents for loved ones. We made necklaces with pearls and felt, shaped wonderful smelling soap, painted and stenciled boxes and clay flower pots, crafted a choco cookie train out of cookies and icing glue, all to be wonderfully wrapped at the end of the day. And ate the traditional Kradimann (need to check spelling) for snack!
Vaden, Paul and I were helpers while Wils had a great time with friends. SAM found herself at matinee of "New Moon". (and all she said was that it ended abruptly).