Arrived in Prague yesterday evening. Why Prague? Well, I've never been, and it seemed like a good idea, and after all, it's in Europe, right?
Well, no, not really...I'm attending a meeting of a whole slew of other media professionals from our company. We're going to be sharing resources, tools, tips and should be a good trip. Yesterday we spent the majority of the time talking about what we are doing right now...and that was a bit see, I've only been here since January (exactly 2 months as of today) and most of our time has been spent getting settled in (first in the Ferienwohnung, now in the house) getting our crates unpacked, getting the kids into the schools, and generally trying to adjust...and, wait, I have a job, too? On the up side of this, seeing and hearing what other offices are doing to help their personnel has been very inspiring. It's VERY cool to be working for an organization with so many bright and able people.
I'll post some pics of the city, and since I may not get back out during daylight hours (our schedule is rather packed), these may have to suffice for the view of Prague...