SNOW! Wow, snow, in Germany, really?
Well, not a LOT of snow (a couple of inches at the Ferienwohnung, less in Lörrach) but we did get the opportunity to see, smell and taste real, live German snow! I am sure that Madge will be taking pictures while I am here at the office, so look for those later, but that should answer a question you may have. Just because white stuff falls from the sky does not mean that the world is coming to an end (got that, Richmonders?). The sidewalks in front of your house must be swept and cleared by 7:30 (yes, AM, German-time) and the streets have already been plowed. Schools are still in session (very few snow-days here) and the office is alive and kicking. You can either mark it down to German sensibility, efficiency or just plain common-sense, but keeping the walkways clear so early allows for safe passage of pedestrians, postmen, city workers, etc.
You may be getting the picture as to why this 'blog is called The Swept Stoop. Folks over here just expect things to be kept in a certain order. There are some outright rules for how to keep your sidewalks, how to drive, and some other areas that seem to fit pretty well under the line of 'guidelines'. A good guideline example would apply to your yard and gardens ... "just do what the German's do".
What I have found out about Germany is that it's not so much a hyper-clean society (because there is some trash as well as a fair amount of mud and dirt and general 'schmutz' around), it is really more about taking care of what you've got. Hmmmm. Wasn't that what we were supposed to do from the get-go? We got the basic instructions (here's your garden, take care of it, eat anything you'd like except from that tree over there) and if we had followed the rules things would have remained pretty hunky-dory. And no, I am not comparing Germany to the Garden of Eden, and I am certainly not comparing a German Rathaus official to the Heavenly Father (not by a long shot!). I'm just thinking that I need to spend a little bit of time taking care of what I've been given.
I'll let you know how that's working out ...