Thursday, September 01, 2011

Dear All,

Yesterday was a big day for me, for us., August 31st.  As I awoke it was on my mind, even though I did not say anything till late in the day and that was to Paul.  Vaden called late last night and when I asked how her day was she  just to said "well, this day was 365".

Yep, it sure was that, 365 days since we left Germany.

From here on out I am not just returning to the US, I am now living in the US.

As I know from experience it takes three years to get settled. This first one is always the hardest, full of transition and getting to know the way around;  the second you get to know your routine and acquaintances become friends;  by the third year you are just about set and planted, or you are ready to move again before you get too set.

As we enter year two, the girls are settled in their school, Wils will be heading to the local public school for 5th grade, but the big question of jobs and home still remain in that transition stage. Life is such a balancing act and one needs to make sure they count their blessings along side their trials.